
Deer Diaries:
the Seasons at Cat Crossing Farm
Judith’s poems chronicle the lives of does and fawns, bucks and birds, turtles and snails, and red-eyed cicadas. From ice and snow to budding spring to hot, stormy summer days and the blazing colors of fall, Stanton’s luminous poems invite readers to see the wildlife in our backyards with new eyes.
Read selected poems from Deer Diaries
Listen to Judith read her poems aloud
Reminiscent of the pastoral Frost, of Mary Oliver, and of Verlyn Klinkenborg’s take on the rural life, these poems/ meditations are cast in elegant language that nevertheless doesn’t pretty up what it represents.
I admire Stanton’s close attention to a natural world that includes various kinds of trees and grasses, turtles, snails, horses, squirrels, and a variety of birds, a world that is also spiritual, one with fall leaves becoming “a kaleidoscope of stained glass” and birds “warbling Worship, here.” Stanton’s poems repeatedly remind us of the extraordinary in the ordinary.
A splendid collection. I thought each poem I was reading must be my favorite.

Catharine Roth
Parts of the Whole